Look, it was good but not great.
Gonna be honest, (and try not to piss you off, some of those reviews seems kinda ... eh) the movie could have been better.
Ok, let's start with the good stuff shall we? I liked the fact that it was in fact a real tournament. Loved the spritey goodness (and by the way, if YOU did some of those sprites... damn, good work) and the animation. (most parts)
Ow. Let's get to the bads. First of all, it seems that you wanted the puny characters or those unlikely to beat the other, to win... That should have added some suspense if you didn't do that for ALL (or so) the battles. After 3-4 battles, you just KNOW who is going to win most of the time.(take that Kirby VS Mech-thing fight, Kirby was sleeping dammit. AND he beat the crap out of the Mech thingie)
It also seemed that you had some kind of Naruto characters preference. Considering the fact that BEFORE the battle piting Sasuke against Zero, you actually put some JAPANESE text ("subtle" hint). After seeing Sasuke totally whip Zero far too easily and WITHOUT getting even hit, I just knew that Naruto would then win the next fight. And what do you know? I was right. -_-
(Don't get me wrong, I am NOT an Anti-Naruto bastard. In fact, I've read the books since #1 was out in english)
But aren't I just a whiny bitch? Yeah a little. But this flash kinda reminded me of when I was a kid. You know, when you make your action figures fight? And you only make those you actually LIKE better win, just because?
On the other hand, I loved the fight with wolverine against the other Ice thing. This one was gooood.
Uh, yeah. Just, you know, consider more the strenghts and weaknesses of the characters before deciding who'll win next time...
Because, even if we "can't do anything about it" and "you are the ones that decide", WE are your audience. Of course, you can do whatever YOU like, but if it doesn't please US just as much... you aren't gonna get a good score... (if you care that is)
Well, it's you. Kinda fun flash. The animations were great if not a little odd at times so just work on the... uh... scenarios more next time, please?